
ZGW Consumers is configurable through a number of settings. Each setting has a sane default.



If set to True, the OAS URL/file fields in the admin are hidden/ignored. Keep the default value of False when you still make use of zgw_consumers.legacy.


Which cache alias to use from settings.CACHES. OpenAPI specifications are cached here after fetching them over HTTP. Defaults to django.core.cache.DEFAULT_CACHE_ALIAS.

Deprecated since version 0.31.x: Support for gemma-zds-client and thus OpenAPI schemas is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0.


A dotted python path to the client class to use when building clients from services. This class must implement the interface of zds_client.client.Client. Defaults to "zgw_consumers.legacy.client.ZGWClient". For NLX support, you would override this to include the zgw_consumers.legacy.nlx.NLXClientMixin.

Deprecated since version 0.28.x: The ZGWClient is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Instead, use the new ape_pie.client.APIClient or zgw_consumers.nlx.NLXClient.


A list of directories where OpenAPI schemas can be found. Used by zgw_consumers.test.mock_service_oas_get for mocking OpenAPI schema fetching in your tests.

Deprecated since version 0.31.x: Support for gemma-zds-client and thus OpenAPI schemas is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0.

NLX support


Timeout (in seconds) for connecting to the NLX outway during input validation. Defaults to 2.


Mapping of NLX directory environments to their (public) URLs. Defaults to the directories documented on